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thesaurus/cnp00578407 Asmar, ʿAbd-as-Salām Ibn-Salīm al-Faitūrī ¬al-¬

Asmar, ʿAbd-as-Salām Ibn-Salīm al-Faitūrī ¬al-¬

Record IDcnp00578407
Biographical Data1475 - 1574
Last Edit2007-02-02

General Note

Erneuerer d. nordafrikan. Derwischordens d. ʿArūsīya

More Information

Further Biographical Data1475-1574
ActivityPersonen zu allgemeiner und vergleichender Religionswissenschaft, Personen zu nichtchristlichen Religionen (3.1p) (sswd)


HeadingAsmar, ʿAbd-as-Salām Ibn-Salīm al-Faitūrī ¬al-¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameAsmar, ʿAbd as-Salām Ibn Salīm al-Faytūrī ¬al-¬
Tīṯūrī, ʿAbd-as-Salām Ibn-Sālim ¬a t-¬
Tīṯūrī, ʿAbdassalām Ibn-Sālim ¬aṯ-¬
Brockelmann, GAL, Suppl: Bd. 2, S. 702


Found inEnc. Islam (2. ed., Suppl., S. 93-94)

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