CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00552955 Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury

Datensatz IDcnp00552955
Lebensdaten1530 - 1604
Letzte Änderung2024-02-08


Engl. Theologe; Studium in Cambridge, dort Prof.; 1571 Dekan in Lincoln; 1577 Bischof von Worcester; ab 1583 Erzbischof von Canterbury

Weiterführende Informationen

Weitere Lebensdaten-29.02.1604
AktivitätPersonen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p) (sswd)
Erzbischof (gnd)
Theologe (gnd)
Geographische AnmerkungGB (iso3166)




AnsetzungsformWhitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury
verwendet in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Whitgift, John
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Variante NamensformWhitgifte, John


Nachgewiesen inLCAuth. — WBIS. — ESTC/NA/85.5.30. — GK55 epithet=succ. Bishop of Worcester, and Archbishop of Canterbury
WerkeA godlie sermon preched before the queenes majestie. - 1574
A most godly and learned sermon, preached at Pauls Crosse. - 1589
An answere to a certen libel intituled An admonition to the Parliament. - 1572
An answere to a certen libel intituled An admonition to the Parliament. - 1573
An examination of M. Doctor Whytgiftes censures. - 1575
Ecclesiasticus. - 1596
Paule, George: The life of John Whitgift. - 1699
The defense of the aunswere to the Admonition, against the Replie. - 1574
The defense of the aunswere to the admonition. - 1574
His A godlie sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie at Greenwiche, 1714 tp=Doctor Whitgift
depiction of ...
[Unidentified painter / one or more third parties have made copyright claims against Wikimedia Commons in relation to the work from which this is sourced or a purely mechanical reproduction thereof. This may be due to recognition of the "sweat of the brow" doctrine, allowing works to be eligible for protection through skill and labour, and not purely by originality as is the case in the United States (where this website is hosted). These claims may or may not be valid in all jurisdictions.As such, use of this image in the jurisdiction of the claimant or other countries may be regarded as copyright infringement. Please see Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag for more information. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John Whitgift from NPG.jpg]

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Manuscript material


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