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thesaurus/cnp00545036 Vyāsa


Identifiant de la noticecnp00545036
Type d'entrée (rubrique)nom fictif
Dernière modification2024-02-08

Note générale

Thematischer Bezug: Fiktiver Autor
Fiktiver Verfasser; gehört zu den Rishis (Weisen) Indiens; gilt als Hrsg. d. Mahabharata; Kommentator zu Patanjali's Yogasūtra; mytholog. Verfasser versch. Sanskrit-Werke

Plus d'information

ActivitéPersonen als literarisches Motiv (12.4p) (sswd)
Personen als künstlerisches Motiv (13.1cp) (sswd)
Fiktive Gestalt (gnd)
T3C-351 (ddc23/ger)
Note géographiqueIN (iso3166)

Entrées associées

Voir aussiVaiśampāyana, Fiktive Gestalt
Bekanntschaft. -- Schüler


utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Vedavyāsa, Śrīmanmaharṣi Kṛṣṇadvaipāyana
Vedvyasa, Shrimanmaharshi Krishnadwaipayan
Vyāsa, Maharṣi
Veda Vyāsa


Trouvé dansLex. östl. Weisheit. — LoC-NA
SourcesPatañjali: Patanjali's [Patañjali] Yoga Sutras (Yogasūtra, Sanskrit u. engl.) With the*. - 1910
The Siddhânta Darśanam of Vyâsa. - 1925
depiction of ...
Story-telling painting, in gouache, of the 'Paithan' type, illustrating a narrative from the Mahabharata. The sage Vyasa and the king Janamejaya.With a background of a pillared hall, the sage Vyasa, seen here on the right, narrates the story of Harishchandra to king Janamejaya. Both characters are seated facing each other on decorated thrones, with one knee resting on the seat and the other flexed, bound by a yogapatta. This detail signifies that they are steeped in a serious conversation. The king carries the appurtenances of his status: a crown on his head, bow leaning on his shoulder, arrow in his right hand, and a filled quiver resting at his side. The sage is elegantly dressed and bejewelled, with matted hair, knotted beard and a yajnopavita prominently shown across his chest (incidentally, the wrong way round: it hangs from the right shoulder instead of hanging from the left). Between Janamejaya and Vyasa stands a third person, with matter hair and dressed in a loincloth, possibly a disciple of the sage, carrying a fan and an umbrella, appurtenances of both gods and kings. A monkey is shown frolicking at his feet.
[Paithan Style / https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/A_2007-3014-3 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The sage Vyasa and the king Janamejaya..jpg]

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Verbundkatalog Kalliope
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SUDOC (France)
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