RubriqueBarlow, John utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
VarianteB., I.
B., J.
Barlow, Iohn
Barlowe, John
I. B.
Trouvé dansGK55=Barlow, John, Minister of the Word. — AO1=Barlowe, John; matr. Hart Hall 1600.10.31 age 19, BA 1608.7.9; minister of Plymouth, curate or lecturer at Halifax. — Not found in DNB. — LoC-NA
SourcesAn exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter episte to Ti*. - 1632
S106929: his An exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter episte [sic] of the apostle Paul to Timothie, 1632 tp=By Iohn Barlow, sometime minister of the word at Plimmouth: but lately one of the preachers in that ancient citie of Chester
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