CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00481990 Köcher, Johann

Köcher, Johann

Record IDcnp00481990
Biographical Data1632 - 1688
Place of BirthBad Lobenstein
Place of DeathHarra
Last Edit2019-09-25

General Note

Dt. ev. Theologe und Pädagoge; Schüler in Gera; ab 1645 Student in Jena und Leipzig, 1653 Magister in Jena; 1653 Rektor und 1656 Diakon in Lobenstein; 1662 Pastor in Harra

More Information

Further Biographical Data1632-1688
Primary Language(s)Griechisch
ActivityLehrer (gnd)
Pfarrer (gnd)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthBad Lobenstein
Place of DeathHarra


HeadingKöcher, Johann
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameKoecher, Johann
Köcher, Johannes


Found inThüringer Pfarrerbuch, Bd. 4 (2004), Nr. 646

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