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thesaurus/cnp00473204 Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby

Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby

Record IDcnp00473204
Biographical Data1540 - 1609
Last Edit2021-02-04

General Note

Tochter von Sir Anthony Cooke, 1. Ehe mit Sir Thomas Hoby, 2. Ehe mit Lord John Russell; Engl. Übersetzerin

More Information

Further Biographical Data1540?-1609
ca. 1540-1609
1528-1609. Geburtsjahr ca.
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
ActivityPersonen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)


HeadingRussell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby, Lady
used in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameCooke, Elizabeth
Frueherer Name
Hoby, Elizabeth Cooke
Frueherer Name
Variant NameHoby, Elizabeth Cooke, Lady
Russell, Elizabeth
Cooke Hoby Russell, Elizabeth
Hoby, Elizabeth


Found inCOPAC - http://copac.ac.uk (2013-01-17). — The writings of an English Sappho / Elizabeth Cooke Hoby Russell ; edited by Patricia Phillippy ; with translations by Jaime Goodrich, 2011. — DNB=Hoby, Sir Thomas, 1530-1566; ma. Elizabeth, 3rd da. of Sir Anthony Cooke, 1558.6.27; Elizabeth, Lady Hoby, 1528-1609, remarried John, Lord Russell 1574.12.23. — LoC-NA
Imprint SourcesÜbers. von: A way of reconciliation of a good and learned man. - 1605
S101217: A way of reconciliation of a good and learned man, touching the trueth, nature, and substance of the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament, 1605 tp=Tr. out of Latin by the right honourable Lady Elizabeth Russell, dowager to the right honourable the lord Iohn Russell, baron

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