CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00469594 Gálvez, Francisco


_id: cnp00469594
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.5p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#8.4p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Gesandter
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4156934-9
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Politiker
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4046517-2
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: General
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4132742-1
    - end: 1655
      lang: ger
      start: 1580
      text: 1580-1655
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/59193567
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Diego_Felipez_de_Guzmán,_1st_Marquis_of_Leganés'
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/123620805
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb125256895
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/147173485/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Felipez_de_Guzmán,_1st_Marquis_of_Leganés'
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q691804
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 123620805
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: eng
          text: Image
      rights: 'Anthony van Dyck / ywEF4SyuI8qLFQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anthony van Dyck - Diego Felipe de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés - Google Art Project.jpg'
      searchTerm: 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Anthony van Dyck - Diego Felipe de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés - Google Art Project.jpg'
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20020924
      id: 148863752
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20220603
      id: 123620805
    - GBV
    - Acta Pacis Westphalicae
    - 'Wikipedia: Stand: 15.05.2018: https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diego_Mex%C3%ADa_Fel%C3%ADpez_de_Guzm%C3%A1n&oldid=106297658'
  gender: b
    - lang: ger
      text: 'Span. Politiker, Feldherr in span. Militärdienst, Kunstsammler u. Mäzen; 1645-1647 span. Gouverneur von Katalonien; Gesandter des span. Königs; 1. Marqués de Leganés; consejero de Estado'
    - lang: ger
      text: WBIS
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: ES
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Spanien
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
        - GyGoGBV
    - title: Capitulat/ Deß ewigen Fridens und guter Nachbarschafft
    - title: 'Unitas fortis. - 1628'
    point: {}
    - part:
        - entry: Avila
        - firstname: D. F.
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Avila de Guzman de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Aúila
        - firstname: D. F.
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Filippez de Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego Filippez
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego F.
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Filippez
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - firstname: ...
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - firstname: Diego F.
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe de Guzmán
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Filippez de Guzmán
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - addition: Marquis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - nonsort: Marqués
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Dávila
        - firstname: Diego Mexía de Guzmán
        - nonsort: y
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego Mexía
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego Mexía Felípez
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán y Dávila
        - firstname: Diego Mexía
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Marqués de Leganés
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Messía Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mesía Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mesía Felípez de Guzmán y Dávila
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mexía Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mexía de Guzmán y Dávila
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - timestamp: 2004-07-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-01-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-02-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2012-03-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-12-01T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-09-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - id: cnp02212811
      similarity: 14
  status: n
depiction of ...
[Anthony van Dyck / ywEF4SyuI8qLFQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anthony van Dyck - Diego Felipe de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés - Google Art Project.jpg]

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Verbundkatalog Kalliope
Manuscript material


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Authority record
SUDOC (France)
Authority record
Wikidata description set


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_id: cnp00469594
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.5p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#8.4p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Gesandter
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4156934-9
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Politiker
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4046517-2
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: General
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4132742-1
    - end: 1655
      lang: ger
      start: 1580
      text: 1580-1655
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/59193567
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Diego_Felipez_de_Guzmán,_1st_Marquis_of_Leganés'
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/123620805
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb125256895
      typeOfResource: same
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          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/147173485/id
      typeOfResource: same
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      searchTerm: 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Felipez_de_Guzmán,_1st_Marquis_of_Leganés'
      typeOfResource: info
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          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q691804
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 123620805
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: eng
          text: Image
      rights: 'Anthony van Dyck / ywEF4SyuI8qLFQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anthony van Dyck - Diego Felipe de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés - Google Art Project.jpg'
      searchTerm: 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Anthony van Dyck - Diego Felipe de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés - Google Art Project.jpg'
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20020924
      id: 148863752
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20220603
      id: 123620805
    - GBV
    - Acta Pacis Westphalicae
    - 'Wikipedia: Stand: 15.05.2018: https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diego_Mex%C3%ADa_Fel%C3%ADpez_de_Guzm%C3%A1n&oldid=106297658'
  gender: b
    - lang: ger
      text: 'Span. Politiker, Feldherr in span. Militärdienst, Kunstsammler u. Mäzen; 1645-1647 span. Gouverneur von Katalonien; Gesandter des span. Königs; 1. Marqués de Leganés; consejero de Estado'
    - lang: ger
      text: WBIS
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: ES
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Spanien
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
        - GyGoGBV
    - title: Capitulat/ Deß ewigen Fridens und guter Nachbarschafft
    - title: 'Unitas fortis. - 1628'
    point: {}
    - part:
        - entry: Avila
        - firstname: D. F.
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Avila de Guzman de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Felipe
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Aúila
        - firstname: D. F.
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      typeOfName: varn
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - firstname: Diego Filippez
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    - part:
        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego F.
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      typeOfName: varn
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        - entry: Guzmán de Leganés
        - firstname: Diego Filippez
        - nonsort: de
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
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    - part:
        - entry: Leganés
        - firstname: Diego F.
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    - part:
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        - firstname: Diego Felipe de Guzmán
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        - firstname: Diego Filippez de Guzmán
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      typeOfName: varn
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        - firstname: Diego Mexía
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    - part:
        - entry: Messía Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mesía Felípez de Guzmán
        - firstname: Diego
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mesía Felípez de Guzmán y Dávila
        - firstname: Diego
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        - firstname: Diego
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    - part:
        - entry: Mexía de Guzmán y Dávila
        - firstname: Diego
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    - timestamp: 2004-07-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-01-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-02-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2012-03-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-12-01T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-09-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - id: cnp02212811
      similarity: 14
  status: n