CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00452503 Sybel, Johann Ludolf Florens

Sybel, Johann Ludolf Florens

Record IDcnp00452503
Biographical Data1736 - 1823
Place of BirthBad Sassendorf
Place of DeathSoest
Last Edit2024-01-12

General Note

Pfarrer in Sassendorf und ab 1764 in Soest

More Information

Further Biographical Data07.12.1736-02.06.1823
Academic Title or DegreeDr. theol.
ActivityLutherischer Theologe (gnd)
Pfarrer (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthBad Sassendorf
Place of DeathSoest


HeadingSybel, Johann Ludolf Florens
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameSybel, J. L.
Sybel, Johann Ludolph Florens
Sybel, Joh. Lud. Flor.
Sybel, Johann Ludolf Florens ¬von¬
Sybel, Johann Ludolph Florens ¬von¬
Sybel, Johann Ludwig Florens
Sybel, Johann Ludwig Florens ¬von¬


Found inDBA. — Heppe, Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche Rheinlands und Westphalens, Iserlohn 1870. — Heidermanns: Stand: 05.12.2023: http://www.heidermanns.net/gen-pers.php?ID=34832
Imprint SourcesSemler, Johann S.: Diss. hist. herm. de VII. regulis Tychonii ad interpretandam S.S. - 1756

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