Sundwall, Johan Matthias
Record IDcnp00446675
Biographical Data1793 - 1843
Last Edit2020-03-10
General Note
Not found in: LOC-NA, BLC, NUC
Finn. Theologe und Philosoph, geb. in Abo, Gymnasiallehrer, Prof. für Moraltheologie an der Univ. Helsinki, später Pfarrer
More Information
Further Biographical Data1793-1843
ActivityHochschullehrer (gnd)
Lehrer (gnd)
Pfarrer (gnd)
Philosoph (gnd)
Theologe (gnd)
Geographic NoteFI (iso3166)
Place of Activity
Place of BirthÅbo
HeadingSundwall, Johan Matthias
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameSundvall, Johan Matthias
Scand. biogr. arch.
Sundvall, Johan Mattias
Svenskt boklexikon
Sundwall, Johan M.
Sundwall, Johann Matthias
Sundwall, Johannes Matthias
Found inBN, Scand. biogr. arch. (uneinheitl.)
Imprint SourcesSpecimen Academicum De Judiciorum Analyticorum Et Syntheticorum Discrimine. - 1822
Afhandling Om Jords Taxering. - 1812
De Iudiciorum Analyticorum et Syntheticorum discrimine. - 1822
Dissertatio academica summas serierum ex coëfficientibus binomialibus peculiari lege compositarum colligendi methodum exhibens. - 1815
Dissertatio ethico-theologica de gratia et libero arbitrio. - 1840
Specimen Academicum De Principio Ethices Kantianae. - 1823
Specimen Academicum Sistens Praenotiones Problematis, Quo Potuerit Homo A Deo Desciscere, Ipsamque Problematis Solutionem. - 1832