CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00445194 Wentzing, Dorothea Salome

Wentzing, Dorothea Salome

Record IDcnp00445194
Biographical Data1650 - 1683
Last Edit2009-10-28

General Note

Ehefrau des Arnstädter Gräfl. Schwarzburg. Kammer-Rats Christian Günther Wentzing

More Information

Further Biographical Data1650-1683

Related Entries

See alsoWentzing, Christian Günter, 1643-1694
Beziehung familiaer


HeadingWentzing, Dorothea Salome
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameClepper, Dorothea Salome
Frueherer Name
Clepperia, Dorothea Salome
Frueherer Name
Clepperius, Dorothea Salome
Frueherer Name
Klepper, Dorothea Salome
Frueherer Name
Klepper, Dorothee Salome
Frueherer Name
Klepperin, Dorothea Salome
Frueherer Name
Variant NameWentzing, Dorothee Salome
Wentzingin, Dorothee-Salome
Wenzing, Dorothea Salome
Wenzing, Dorothee Salome


Imprint SourcesBartholomaei, Jacob: Geduppelter Trostgrund des H. Apostels Pauli wieder den Tod ... . - 1683

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