CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00440210 Hornschuch, Magdalene

Hornschuch, Magdalene

Record IDcnp00440210
Biographical Data1565 - 1624
Place of BirthLeipzig
Place of DeathLeipzig
Last Edit2021-04-28

General Note

Tochter des Leipziger Juristen Caspar Jungermann; Witwe von Hieronymus Hornschuch, Arzt in Leipzig

More Information

Further Biographical Data-1624
ActivityWitwe von Hieronymus Hornschuch, Arzt in Leipzig
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthLeipzig
Place of DeathLeipzig

Related Entries

SpouseHornschuch, Hieronymus, 1573-1616
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehemann


HeadingHornschuch, Magdalene
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Former NameJungermann, Magdalena
Frueherer Name
Variant NameHornschuch, Magdalena
Iungermana, Magdalena
Iungermanus, Magdalena
Jungerman, Magdalena
Jungermann, Magdalene


Imprint SourcesLeyser, Polycarp: Leichpredigt ... Beym Begrebnis der ... Frawen Magdalenen, Des ... Herrn Hieronymi Hornschuchs, der Artzney Doctorn und Practici zu Leipzig seligen hinterlassenen Witwen ... - 1625
Nuptiarum festivitati ... Domini Hieronymi Hornscuch Medicinae Doctoris; Nec non ... Magdalenae ... Casparis Iungermani I.U. Doctoris ... relictae Filiae. - 1609

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