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thesaurus/cnp00436249 Schilling, Heinrich Sigismund

Schilling, Heinrich Sigismund

Record IDcnp00436249
Biographical Data1646 - 1700
Last Edit2019-05-03

General Note

"Weisdorfio Variscus"; Schulbesuch an den Gymnasien in Hof und Bayreuth; 1670 Respondent am Gymnasium in Bayreuth, 1672 an der Univ. Jena; 1677 Diakon in Neudrossenfeld; 1700 Pfarrer zu Kirchenlamitz

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Further Biographical Data1646-1700
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)


HeadingSchilling, Heinrich Sigismund
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameSchilling, Heinrich Siegismund
Schilling, Heinrich Siegmund
Schilling, Heinrich Sigmund
Schilling, Heinricus Sigismundus
Schilling, Henricus Sigismundus
Schillingius, Heinricus Sigismundus


Imprint SourcesLiebhard, Ludwig: Exercitatio Historica Prior De Patrimonio Petri. - 1670
Opitz, Heinrich: Ogdoas Quaestionum S. Philologicarum. - 1672

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