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thesaurus/cnp00429953 Romney, Henry Sidney ¬of¬

Romney, Henry Sidney ¬of¬

Record IDcnp00429953
Dati biografici1641 - 1704
Ultima modifica2024-03-26

Nota generale

Engl. Politiker u. Diplomat; wirkte in den Niederlanden u. Irland, wurde wegen seiner Verdienste während der Revolution zum Earl of Romney erhoben; Bruder von Algernon Sidney

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1641-1704. Todesjahr event. auch 1700


IntestazioneRomney, Henry Sidney ¬of¬
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VarianteRomney, Henry Sydney ¬of¬
Sidney, Heinrich
Sidney, Henrich
Sidney, Henry ¬of¬
Sydney, Henry
Sidney, Henry

Fonti esterne

Trovato inLoC-NA
Fonti a stampaDiary of the times of Charles the Second, - 1843
Letters and memorials of state, in the reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James,
Romney, Henry S. of: The speech of - 1692
Romney, Henry S. of: The two memorials delivered. - 1680
Sidney, Henry: Diary of the times of Charles the Second
Romney, Henry S. of: Lord Lieut. of Ireland's speech - 1692
depiction of ...
[John Baptist Medina / object page; previous upload was here -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Earl of Romney.jpg]

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SUDOC (France)
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Wikidata description set


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