CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00419817 Bagge, Ehregott Nicolaus

Bagge, Ehregott Nicolaus

Record IDcnp00419817
Biographical Data1725 - 1796
Last Edit2024-01-12

General Note

Präses in Jena; Prof. am Gymnasium in Coburg; geb. in Gothenburg in Schweden
Not found in: LoC-NA; NUC

More Information

Further Biographical Data1725-1796
ActivityPädagoge (gnd)
Theologe (gnd)
Präses in Jena; Prof. am Gymnasium in Coburg; geb. in Gothenburg in Schweden; Theologe; Generalsuperintendant; Pädagoge
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityCoburg


HeadingBagge, Ehregott Nicolaus
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameBagge, Ehregott N.
Bagge, Ehregott Nikolaus
Bagge, Ehregott Nikolaus
war 100


Found inDbA
Imprint SourcesDissertatio philologico-exegetica peri alisgēmatōn tōn eidōlōn, ex Act. XV, 20. - 1748
Diss. ... de vero inter sensationem et cogitationem discrimine. - 1745
Diss. philos. de vero inter sensationem et cogitationem discrimine. - 1755
Dissertatio academica qua sapientia Christi in electione, institutione atque missione apostolorum ac loca Matth. X., 1 seq. Marc. III, 13 etc. illustratur. - 1752
Koecher, Johann Christoph: Christus per omnes carnis suae dies omnia pro omnibus, varia pro omnibus et variis hominum peccatis passus ... - 1758
Quaestio theologica: Bona opera num et quatenus signa salutis dici possint? - 1760
Koecher, Johann Christoph: Christus per omnes carnis suae dies omnia pro omnibus, varia pro omnibus et variis hominum peccatis passus ... - 1758

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