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thesaurus/cnp00407908 Christyn, Jean Baptiste

Christyn, Jean Baptiste

Record IDcnp00407908
Biographical Data1622 - 1690
Place of BirthBrüssel
Place of DeathBrüssel
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

belgischer Jurist, Historiker und Genealoge; Studium in Douai; Ratsherr und Kanzler von Brabant

More Information

Further Biographical Data1622-1690
ActivityJurist (gnd)
Kanzler (gnd)
Geographic NoteBE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthBrüssel
Place of ActivityDouai
Place of DeathBrüssel

Related Entries

See alsoChristyn, Jean Baptiste, 1635-1707
Beziehung familiaer. -- Neffe
Christyn, Libert-François, 1639-1717
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Brabant, Conseil Souverain


HeadingChristyn, Jean Baptiste
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Christyn, Jean Baptiste
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameChristijn, Jean Baptiste
Christijn, Jean-Baptiste
Christyn, Jan Baptiste
Christyn, Jean Baptiste, the younger
Christyn, Jean-Baptiste
Christyn, Joannes Baptista
Christyn, Johann Baptista
Chrystin, J.-B.
J. B. C. S. R.
Christyn, Joannes Baptista
Christinaeus, Joannes Baptista
Christyn, Juan Bautista


Found inBiographie Nationale. T. 4.1873, Sp. 105-109: Stand: 27.11.2019: http://www.academieroyale.be/Academie/documents/FichierPDFBiographieNationaleTome2045.pdf. — WBIS. — NUC pre '56
Imprint SourcesBasilica Bruxellensis Sive Monumenta Antiqua, Inscriptiones, Et Coenotaphia Aedis .... - 1677
Belgii Et Burgundiae Gubernatores Ac Archistrategi .... - 1675
Jvrisprvdentia Heroica Sive De Jure Belgarum Circa Nobilitatem Et Insignia. - 1668
Les Tombeaux Des Hommes Illustres qui ont paru au Conseil Privé du Roy Catholique Aux Pays-Bas. - 1673
Observationes genealogicae et heroicae sive materiem nobilitates gentilitiae .... - 1678
Senatus Populique Antverpiensis. Nobilitas Sive Septem Tribus Patriciae Antverpienses. - 1672
Tabula Chronologica Sive Ducum Lotharingiae, Brabantiae, Limburgi &c. .... - 1669
Les tombeaux des hommes illustres, qui ont paru au... / [By Jean Baptiste Christyn]..., 1674
Het schouwburg der Nederlanden ofte Geographische... / [By Johannes Baptista Christyn]. ; Translated ..., 1785
depiction of ...
A 1700 engraving by Pieter van Schuppen from a portrait of Jean-Baptiste Christyn made c. 1678
[Pieter van Schuppen / http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.173553 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean-Baptiste Christyn, Chancellor of Brabant.jpg]

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