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thesaurus/cnp00403843 Brederode, Jolanda ¬van¬

Brederode, Jolanda ¬van¬

Record IDcnp00403843
Last Edit2024-03-26

General Note

Frau von Jacques de Bourgogne und Briefpartnerin Calvins

More Information

Further Biographical Data-1552
ActivitySachlich nicht klassifizierbare Personen (00p) (sswd)


HeadingBrederode, Jolanda ¬van¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBrederode, Jolande ¬de¬
Brederode, Yolande ¬de¬
Falais, Jolande ¬de¬
Falais, Yolande ¬de¬


Found inNieuw nederl. biogr. woordenb. (unter B., Walraven 4), gegen LoC, Vorlage
Imprint SourcesCalvin, Jean: Lettres à Monsieur et Madame de Falais. - 1991

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