IIIF Logo ARTIST W. Haskell Coffin (Charleston, South Carolina, 1878 - 5/12/1941, St. Petersburg, Florida)TITLE Portrait of Thomas Cogswell UphamCREATION DATE 1915CENTURY 20th centuryDIMENSIONS 28 in. x 22 1/8 in. (71.12 cm. x 56.2 cm.)OBJECT TYPE paintingCREATION PLACE North America, United StatesMEDIUM AND SUPPORT oil on canvasCREDIT LINE Gift of Dr. Thomas Upham CoeCOPYRIGHT Public DomainACCESSION NUMBER 1916.9 [W. Haskell Coffin (Charleston, South Carolina, 1878 - 5/12/1941, St. Petersburg, Florida) / https://artmuseum.bowdoin.edu/objects-1/info/1395 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Portrait of Thomas Cogswell Upham.tif]
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