More Information
Further Biographical Data18.12.1616-28.11.1697
Academic Title or DegreeProf. Dr. theol.
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityEvangelischer Theologe (gnd)
Gymnasiallehrer (gnd)
Hochschullehrer (gnd)
Theologe; Professor in Leipzig
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)
HeadingMöbius, Georg
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Moebius, Georg
used in: National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg
Moebius, Georg
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Moebius, Georg
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameMoebius, Georg
Moebius, Georgius
Moebius, G.
Möbius, Georg
Mebius, Georgius
Moebus, Georg
Found inADB. — Thésaurus du CERL - (2013-05-29). — BN Cat. gén.. — Fama posthuma, sive Oratio parentalis, in obitum viri... Dn. Hieronymi Kromayeri, ss. th. doctoris, ac professoris primarii celeberrimi... Habita in acad. Lips. in auditorio maj. ... Anno 1671. die 3. jun. quo... obdormiverat à Georgio Moebio, ss. theol. d. & prof. publ. facult. theol. ..., [1671-1693]. — DbA. — Supellex epistolica Uffenbachii et Wolfiorum = Katalog der Uffenbach-Wolfschen Briefsammlung / hrsg. u. bearb. von Nilüfer Krüger. Hamburg : Hauswedell, 1978. 2 Bde. (Katalog der Handschriften der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. — 8). — ADB: — Wikipedia:
Imprint SourcesDisputatio theologica prima De moscholatria populi Israëlitici, ex Exod. XXXII. ... publice proposita à Georgio Moebio, SS. Theol. D. ... respondente M. Michaele Marggraffen, Crimmicia-Misn. die XXV. Maji anno M DC LXIX. ... [1669]
Prophetae Eliae ascensus ad superos, 2. Reg II. V. I. 18 descriptus, in duabus disputationibus consideratus, & ad disputandum propositus, ... [1678]
Möbius, Georg: Asylologia sacra, sive asylorum contemplatio theologica. - 1673
Möbius, Georg: Prophetae Eliae ascensus ad superos
Moebius, Georg: De Causis, et Mediis, Quae Mahomedisticam Religionem partim introduxerunt*. - 1665
Moebius, Georg: De oraculorum ethnicorum origine propagatione et duratione. - 1685
Moebius, Georg: Dissertatio de quaestione illa: an ab Apostolis Evangelium etiam American*. - 1660
Moebius, Georg: Tractatus philologico-theologicus de oraculorum ethnicorum origine, propa*. - 1660
Moebius, Georg: Tractatus philologico-theologicus de oraculorum ethnicorum origine, propa*. - 1692
Reden-lievende-god-geleerde verhandeling, van den... / By Georgius Mebius. ; Translated from the Lati..., 1687
Reden-lievende-god-geleerde verhandeling, van den... / By Georgius Mebius. ; Translated from the Lati..., 1724