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thesaurus/cnp00381098 Stephanus, Electus

Stephanus, Electus

Record IDcnp00381098
Bibliografische gegevens - 0752
Voor het laatst bewerkt2024-02-08

Algemene noot

Starb noch vor der Weihe, so daß er meist nicht als Papst gezählt wird (vgl. LThK,9,1038); Erl.-Schr.: Jaffé 1.c.p.270. (steht zwischen I. und II. Papst)

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Verdere bibliografische gegevensca. gest. 752


KopjeStephanus, Electus
gebruikt in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
NaamsvariantElectus, Stephanus
Etienne, Pape Elu
Etienne, Romain
Stephan, Presbyter
Stephan, Römischer Presbyter
Stephanus, Papa Electus


Gevonden inPotth. 1033. — LThK,9,1038
depiction of ...
This illustration is from The Lives and Times of the Popes by Chevalier Artaud de Montor, New York: The Catholic Publication Society of America, 1911. It was originally published in 1842.This is pope-elect Stephen, previously known as Stephen II, but today more commonly not considered as one of the numbered popes.
[Artaud de Montor (1772-1849) / https://archive.org/details/thelivesandtimes02artauoft -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pope-Elect Stephen.jpg]

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