@prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix gn: . @prefix ct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix edm: . rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1836"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "1771-1836"@de; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Ottley, William Young"; rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "Radierer"@de, "Personen zu Malerei, Zeichnung, Grafik (13.4p)"@de; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1771"^^xsd:gYear; gn:countryCode "GB"; owl:sameAs , , gnd:115535780, , , ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; ct:geographicNote "Großbritannien"@de; rdf:type ; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "Ottley, William Y.: A Series of Plates, engraved after the Paintings ... Sculptures of *. - 1826", "Ottley, William Y.: An inquiry concerning the invention of printing: in which the syste*. - 1863", "Ottley, William Y.: An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving. - 1816", "Ottley, William Y.: The Italian School of Design. - 1823", "Aratus <Solensis>: Astronomical poem. - 1834", "Tresham, Henry: The British Gallery of Pictures. - 1818"; rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "Ottley, William Y.", "Young Ottley, William".