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thesaurus/cnp00374382 Areschoug, F. W. C.

Areschoug, F. W. C.

Record IDcnp00374382
Biographical Data1830 - 1908
Place of BirthSimrishamn
Place of DeathLund
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Biologe; Prof. der Botanik

More Information

Further Biographical Data1830-1908
Academic Title or DegreeProf. Dr. filos.
ActivityBotaniker (gnd)
Geographic NoteSE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthSimrishamn
Place of ActivityLund
Place of DeathLund


HeadingAreschoug, F. W. C.
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Complete NameAreschoug, Frederik Wilhelm Christian
Vollstaendiger Name
Variant NameAreschoug, F.W.C.
Areschoug, Fredrik Vilhelm Kristian
Areschoug, Fredrik Wilhelm Christian
Areschoug, Frederik Walt. Christ.
ZKA, vermutl. falscher 2. Vorname


Found inLCAuth. — Svenskt biografiskt lexikon: Stand: 16.03.2021: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=18780
Imprint SourcesBidrag till Groddknopparnas morfologi och Biologi. - 1857
Untersuchungen über den Blattbau der Mangrove-Pflanzen. - 1902
depiction of ...
sv:Fredrik Areschoug (1830-1908), Swedish professor of botany at Lund University
[Unknown photographer at studio "Lina Jonns eftr." (= Lina Jonn's successor), possibly Maria Jonn (1855-1910) or Per Bagge (1866-1936). / Original photograph in the collections of sv:Akademiska Föreningens Arkiv & Studentmuseum (The Archives and Museum of the Academic Society) in Lund, Sweden. Digitalized as part of Category:Images from Akademiska Föreningens arkiv, a joint project by users Hedning and FredrikT. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Areschoug, Fredrik - porträtt - foto Lina Jonns eftr - AF.jpg]

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