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thesaurus/cnp00352995 Gordon, James

Gordon, James

Record IDcnp00352995
Biographical Data1541 - 1620
Place of BirthHuntly, Aberdeenshire
Place of DeathParis
Last Edit2024-01-12

General Note

Cinquième fils du comte George Gordon de Huntly, il est parfois connu sous le nom de James Gordon Huntly pour le distinguer du jésuite écossais James Gordon (1533-1641), son contemporain. - Rejoint la Compagnie de Jésus à Cologne en 1563, puis étudie la théologie à Rome. Nommé prêtre à Vienne en 1571, puis enseigne la philosophie, la théologie, l'hébreu et les écritures saintes aux collèges jésuites de Pont-à-Mousson, Paris et Bordeaux. - En 1584, envoyé en mission en Écosse pour tenter d'y rétablir le catholicisme
Schottischer Jesuit (SJ) aus der Familie Huntly (Huntley); Professor für Philosophie, Theologie und Hebräisch in Pont-à-Mousson, Paris und Bordeaux; Apostolischer Nuntius; Missionar in Schottland

More Information

Further Biographical Data1541-16.04.1620
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityJesuit aus der Familie Huntl(e)y
Hebraist (gnd)
Hochschullehrer (gnd)
Katholischer Theologe (gnd)
Mönch (gnd)
Geographic NoteGroßbritannien
FR (iso3166)
GB (iso3166)
NationalityUnited Kingdom

Place of Activity

Place of BirthHuntly, Aberdeenshire (1541)
Lieu de naissance
Place of DeathParis [France] (1620)
Lieu de mort

Related Entries

ParentGordon, George, Earl of Huntly (1514 - 1562)
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater


HeadingGordon, James
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Gordon, James
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameGordon, Jacobus
Gordon, Jacobus, Huntlaeus
Gordon, Jakob
Gordon Huntlaeus, Jacobus
Gordon Huntley, James
Gordonius, Huntlaeus
Gordonius Huntlaeus
Gordonus, Jacobus
Gordonus Huntlaeus, Iacobus
Gordonus Huntlaeus, Jacobus
Huntlaeus, Jacobus Gordonus
Huntlaeus, James G.
Huntley, James G.
Huntley, James Gordon of
Gordon Huntly, James
Gordonus, Jacobus
Gordonus Huntlaeus, Jacobus
Gordon, Giacomo
Gordon, Jacques
Gordon Huntly, James
Gordon of Huntley, James
Gordon of Huntly, James
Gordonus Huntlaeus, Jacobus
Huntlaeus, Jacobus Gordonus


Found inDNB=Gordon, James, 1541-1620.4.16; jesuit fifth son of George Gordon, 4th Earl of Huntly, entered Soc. of Jesus 1563.9.20. — DNB. — BN Cat. gén. : Gordon, James (S. J., de la famille de Huntly, Le P.). — Jacobi Gordoni Huntlaei Scoti e Societate Jesu doctoris theologi, controversiarum epitomes tomus secundus / 1618. — WBIS. — British Biographical Archive I 468,88-102. — Archivio Biografico Italiano I 501,340. — Biographisches Archiv des Christentums 147,155-158. — Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gordon_(Jesuit)
Imprint SourcesGordon, James: Controversiarum epitomes. - 1612
S114238: his A treatise concerning the church, 1614 tp=VVritten in Latin, by the Reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus

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