CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00352498 Hall, William H.

Hall, William H.

Идентификатор записиcnp00352498
Годы жизни1797 - 1878
Последнее изменение2024-02-08

Прочая информация

Даты1797-1878. Geburtsjahr ca.
Титул (дворянский)Sir

Имена / Наименования

Авторитетная формаHall, William H.
принято в: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Вариант имениHall, W. H.
Hall, William Hutcheon
Hutcheon Hall, William


Найдено вLCAuth
depiction of ...
Captain Sir William Hutcheon Hall (c. 1797-1878). A half-length portrait seated very slightly to left in a captain's undress coat and epaulettes. His sword is the one presented to him by the crew of Nemesis and rests in the crook of his left arm. His right hand is gripping the scabbard. He wears his C.B. flanked by medals for China and the Baltic. In the left background is what appears to be the bombardment of Bomarsund.
[British School / http://www.nmm.ac.uk/collections/explore/object.cfm?ID=BHC2733 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William Hutcheon Hall.jpg]


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