--- _id: cnp00225257 data: extDataset: - code: VIAF note: - lang: eng text: Clustered authority record searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/59459144 typeOfResource: same - code: DNBI note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/101705298 typeOfResource: same external: - auth: PND catRules: RAK country: DE date: 20010313 id: 101705298 generalNote: - lang: ger text: PND-Grundbestand heading: - part: - entry: Neilson - firstname: William usedBy: - GyFmDB imprintSource: - title: 'Neilson, William: An introduction to the Irish language. - 1808' typeOfEntry: 2 meta: history: - timestamp: 2004-07-06T12:00:00Z status: n