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thesaurus/cnp01311900 MacGregor, James

MacGregor, James

Record IDcnp01311900
Last Edit2024-03-26

General Note

Doyen de Lismore (Irlande) au débur du 16e s. (1512-1526). - A réuni un recueil gaélique de poésies populaires et de poèmes bardiques écossais et irlandais
Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: BLNA, 2000-12. - Oxford English lit.

More Information

Further Biographical Data14..-1551
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Irish


HeadingMacGregor, James
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
MacGregor, James
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameMac Gregor, James
Mc Gregor, James
McGregor, James


Found inBN Cat. gén. : Mac Gregor (James), doyen de Lismore. — DNB. — British Library - http://blpc.bl.uk (2002-10-25). — CORC - http://corc.oclc.org (2002-10-25). — The Dean of Lismore's Book / a selection of ancient Gaelic poetry, from a manuscript collection made by Sir James Mac Gregor ; ed. with a translation and notes by the Rev. Thomas Mac Lauchlan and an introd. and additional notes by William F. Skene, 1862. — BLC. — LoC-NA

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