--- _id: cnp00181335 data: extDataset: - code: VIAF note: - lang: eng text: Clustered authority record searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/37275752 typeOfResource: same - code: DNBI note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/101155263 typeOfResource: same external: - auth: PND catRules: RAK country: DE date: 19960724 id: 101155263 heading: - part: - entry: Barbara - addition: Schwester usedBy: - GyFmDB name: - part: - entry: Schwester Barbara typeOfName: varn typeOfEntry: 2 meta: history: - timestamp: 2004-07-06T12:00:00Z remark: - 'Due to the lack of biographical or related data, the decision, whether to include this record or not, cannot be made algorithmically. Please confirm the inclusion of this record or remove it entirely from the file. (Please delete this note after revising this record.)' status: n