Worcester, William
Identifiant de la noticecnp00166023
Données biographiques1415 - 1482
Dernière modification2023-04-27
Note générale
Annales rerum Anglicarum
Not found in: Brockhaus online, Meyer, LThK, LexMA, Tusculum-Lexikon
Plus d'information
Autres données biographiques1415-1482?
1415-1482. Todesjahr ca.
ActivitéPersonen zu Bildungswesen (6.4p) (sswd)
Gelehrter (gnd)
Personen der Geschichtswissenschaft (Historiker, Archäologen) (16.1p) (sswd)
Personen zu Geografie, Heimat- und Länderkunde (19.1dp) (sswd)
Topograf (gnd)
Note géographiqueGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)
RubriqueWorcester, William
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Worcester, William
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
William, Worcester
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
VarianteGuilelmus, Bristoliensis
Guilelmus, Worcestrius
Guillaume, de Worcester
Guillaume, de Worchester
Wilhelmus, Worcestrius
William, of Worcester
Worcestre, William
Worcestrius, Guilelmus
Wyrcestre, William
Botoner, William
Guilelmus, Botoner
Guilelmus, Buttonerus
Guilelmus, Worcestriensis
William, Botoner
Worcester, William
Worcestrius, Wilhelmus
Wyrcester, Wilhelmus
Wyrcestre, William B.
Worcestrius, Wilhelmus
Botoner, William
Worcester, William ¬of¬
Worcester Botoner, William
Guilelmus, Worcestrius
Trouvé dansDNB=Worcester or Botoner, William, 1415-1482?. — Wikipedia: Stand: 06.02.2023: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Worcester&oldid=1083993029
SourcesDallaway, James: Antiquities of Bristol in the middle centuries; including the topography*. - 1834
S106523: Here begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue, of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute, 1481 [translation attributed to William Worcester and Stephen Scrope]