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thesaurus/cnp00137874 Rich, Richard

Rich, Richard

Record IDcnp00137874
Ultima modifica2020-07-10

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date di attivitàfl. 1610


IntestazioneRich, Richard
Usata in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Rich, R.
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VarianteRich, R., Richard

Fonti esterne

Trovato inDNB=Rich, Richard, fl. 1610; author of 'Newes from Virginia' was possibly the Richard Rich, illegitimate son of Richard, 1st baron Rich, and father of Sir Nathaniel Rich. He is said to be related to Barnabe Rich, and was a soldier and adventurer, who sailed on 2 June 1609 from Plymouth for Virginia in the Sea Venture, which was commanded by Captain Christopher Newport
Fonti a stampaRich, R.: Newes from Virginia. - 1610
S122506: Nevves from Virginia. The lost flocke triumphant. With the happy arriuall of that famous and worthy knight Sr. Thomas Gates: and the well reputed & valiant captaine Mr. Christopher Newporte, and others, into England, 1610 tp=By R. Rich, Gent. one of the voyage


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