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thesaurus/cnp00100285 Argote, Jeronymo Contador ¬de¬

Argote, Jeronymo Contador ¬de¬

Record IDcnp00100285
Biographical Data1676 - 1749
Place of BirthCollares
Last Edit2019-09-25

General Note

Not found in: LCAuth
Portugies. Geistlicher, Theatiner

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Further Biographical Data1676-1749

Place of Activity

Place of BirthCollares


HeadingArgote, Jeronymo Contador ¬de¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameArgote, Gerónimo
Argote, Gerónimo Contador ¬de¬
Argote, Hieronymus Contador ¬de¬
Argote, Jeronimo Contador ¬de¬
Argote, Jeronymo
Argote, Jerónimo Contador ¬de¬
Contador, Jeronymo
Contador de Argote, Gerónimo
Contador de Argote, Hieronymus
Contador de Argote, Jeronimo
Contador de Argote, Jeronymo
Contador de Argote, Jerónymo


Found inLCCat: Contador de Argote, Jeronymo
Imprint SourcesDe antiquitatibus conventus Bracar augustani. - 1738
Memorias para a historia eccles. de Arcebispado de Braga. - 1732 - 1738

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