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thesaurus/cnp00055793 Tam O'Linn

Tam O'Linn

Record IDcnp00055793
Tipologia di accesso (intestazione)nome fittizio
Ultima modifica2004-02-09

Nota generale

Heading is a pseudonym. Real name not known


IntestazioneTam O'Linn
Usata in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)

Fonti esterne

Trovato inNot found in GK55 nor NUC nor Halkett
Fonti a stampaT219490: Tam O'Linn's prophecy; wrote near 150 years ago: wherein he fortells many of the revolutions that have since happened in this kingdom of Scotland: now first published from a very old manuscript, 1754

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