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thesaurus/cni00103137 Mechel, Anna Maria ¬von¬

Mechel, Anna Maria ¬von¬

Record IDcni00103137
Biographical Data1698 - 1777
Last Edit2024-03-26

General Note

Tochter des Johann Jacob Christ (1661-1731) u. der Anna Maria Fatio (1669-1724); ab 1728 verheiratet mit Johann Conrad von Mechel II (1681-1734).
Paisey, p. 167

More Information

Further Biographical Data1698-1777
ActivityDruckerin (gnd) (1734 - 1777)
Verlegerin (gnd) (1734 - 1777)
Musikdruckerin (gnd)
Musikverlegerin (gnd)
Personen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Personen zu Musik (14.4p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteCH (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBasel (1734 - 1777)

Related Entries

See alsoMechel, Anna Maria ¬von¬
Parallel personal name record
Johann Conrad von Mechel Witwe, Basel
Affiliation. -- Besitzerin
Mechel, Firma


HeadingMechel, Anna Maria ¬von¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Mechel, Johann Konrad ¬von¬, II., Witwe
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Former NameChrist, Anna Maria ¬von¬
Frueherer Name
Variant NameMechel, Jean Conrad ¬de¬, II, Veuve
Mechel, Johann Conrad ¬von¬, II, Witwe
Mechel, Johann Konrad ¬von¬, II, Witwe
Mechel, Johannes Conradus ¬a¬, II, vidua
Mechel-Christ, Anna Maria ¬von¬
Mechel, Anna Maria ¬von¬
Mechel, Jean Conrad ¬de¬


Found inPaisey (1988) S. 167. — Historisches Familienlexikon der Schweiz: Stand: 23.7.2020: http://www.hfls.ch/humo-gen/family/1/F78890/I233525/. — Index typographorum editorumque Basiliensium: http://www.ub.unibas.ch/itb/druckerverleger/johann-conrad-von-mechel-ii-witwe. — RISM

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