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thesaurus/cni00101103 Bettenham van Munnek

Bettenham van Munnek

Record IDcni00101103
Last Edit2021-04-09

General Note

Breda 1777

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBreda (1777)


HeadingBettenham van Munnek
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)


Imprint SourcesVolstandigen catechismus in welken aen de gretige... / By Petrus Canisius. ; Enlarged by S. Schmid. T..., 1767
Het hemels palm-hof, beplant met godvrugtige oeffe... / [By Wilhelm Nakatenus]..., 17uu

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Koninklijke Bibliotheek
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