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thesaurus/cni00095257 Kellam, Lawrence

Kellam, Lawrence

Record IDcni00095257
Dati biografici1600 - 1662
Ultima modifica2020-11-09

Nota generale

Autre(s) graphie(s) : Kelam ; Kelain ; Kylam. - Variante(s) de prénom : Laurent ; Laurence. - Imprimeur ; imprimeur juré de la ville et de l'université de Douai. - Fils cadet de l'imprimeur Lawrence I Kellam. Peut-être né à Valenciennes en 1601. Le 2 mai 1620, succède à son frère aîné décédé Thomas Kellam. Travaille à son nom jusqu'en à sa mort (sépulture à Douai le 8 oct. 1662). Son activité durant les années 1640-1651 n'est toutefois pas attestée. Ses fils Thomas (II) et Simon Kellam lui succèdent (octrois d'exercer du 11 janv. 1663)
A document from 1555 (Douai, Archives communales, FF 1011, 26/10/1655) states that Laurence was 56 years old at that time. He was most likely born in Leuven, just like his elder brother Thomas. According to the parish register of St.-Jacques, he died on 8 October 1662 in Douai (cf. Douai, Archives communales, 1 II 84). Laurence took over the family's printing business from his mother Marguerite Lanseart in the course of 1620. He would continue printing until 1661, with some interruptions during the 1640s. Laurence II married twice, first with Catherine du Sauchoy (d. 1649) and after her death with Barbe Gadelor (13/06/1652). He had at least six children from the first marriage: Nicolas (b. 22/08/1621), Thomas (b. 14/07/1623), Simon (b. 01/11/1625), Marguerite (b. 23/04/1631, Cistercian nun in the convent of Flines), Marie (b. 23/01/1633) and Marc (b. 02/10/1639). In 1655 Laurence donated half of his business to Simon on the occasion of his marriage with Catherine Louise Berthe (Douai, Archives communales, FF 944, 07/01/1655). In the mid 1660s his sons Simon and Thomas would jointly issue some editions. Besides his printing activities, Laurence was also "bailly et fermier des commanderies du Temple et de St. Sampson" in Douai (Douai, Archives communales FF 944, 13/06/1652) and bedel of the Faculty of Law at Douai (FF 1009, 26/10/1655; Brussels, State Archives, 1279/23).

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici160.?-10.1662
date di attività1620-1662
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Professione / occupazioneImprimeur-libraire
printer (independent)
printer in Douai (1620 - 1661)
AttivitàType de document concerné: Texte imprimé
NazionalitàUnited Kingdom

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàDouai; Rue Saint-Jacques; À l'enseigne de l'Agneau pascal (1620 - 1639 ; 1652-1662)

Accessi collegati

MoglieGadelor, Barbe (1652)
du Sauchoy, Catherine (1649)
Relazione FamiliareKellam, Thomas, I
brother / sister
Vedi ancheKellam, Lawrence
Personal name record


IntestazioneKellam, Lawrence
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Kellam, Laurence, II
Usata in: Impressae (ODIS)
VarianteKellam, Lawrence, II
Kellam, Laurent, II
Kellam, Lawrence, II

Fonti esterne

Trovato inDuthillœul : ne le distingue pas de Lawrence I Kellam et attribue ses impressions à la veuve de celui-ci qui aurait travaillé sous le nom de son mari. — Lepreux, Nord : idem. — McKerrow, English books, 1557-1640 : idem. — Rouzet. — Rép. 17 s.. — Labarre, Douai. — Soenen. — Pantzer : occurrences 1621-1639. — Depoorter-Lalisse, Dormard

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