CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00079192 Arrighi, Ludovico ¬degli¬

Arrighi, Ludovico ¬degli¬

Record IDcni00079192
Biographical Data1475 - 1527
Last Edit2020-04-23

General Note

Italian calligrapher, type designer, and printer, a native of Cornedo Vicentino who worked as a scrivener in the papal chancery

More Information

Further Biographical Data1475-1527. Geburts- und Todesjahr ca.
ActivityPersonen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p) (sswd)
Personen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Kalligraph (gnd)
Drucker (gnd)
Schreiber (gnd)
Geographic NoteIT (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityRom

Related Entries

See alsoArrighi, Ludovico ¬degli¬
Personal name record


HeadingArrighi, Ludovico ¬degli¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameArrighi, Ludovico Vicentino ¬degli¬
Degli Arrighi, Ludovico
DegliArrighi, Ludovico
Ludovico, Vicentino
Ludovicus, de Henricis
Ludovicus Henricus
Ludovicus de Henricis, Vicentino
Vicentino, Lodovico
Vicentino, Ludovico
Vicentinus, Ludovicus


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