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thesaurus/cni00072638 Göbel, Johann

Göbel, Johann

Record IDcni00072638
Last Edit2017-02-20

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Dates of Activity1664

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityAltdorf (1664)


HeadingGöbel, Johann
used in: National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg
Variant NameGöbel, J.
Typis Goebelianis (1664)
Representation in imprint


Imprint SourcesDissertatio theologico-philosophica De logica, sive, Recta ratione, quam Photiniani fidei suae analogiam vocant, publice proposita sub praesidio M. Johannis Pauli Felwinger ... respondente Andrea Zeltner Altdorphino a.d. Aprilis, anno MDCLXIV., [1664]

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