Smith, S. (1702 - 1704) Printer found in same imprint
Tooke, B. (1702 - 1704) Printer found in same imprint
Walford, B. (1702 - 1704) Printer found in same imprint
Wotton, M. (1702 - 1704) Printer found in same imprint
RubriqueLeigh, Thomas utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de Russie, Saint-Pétersbourg
VarianteLeigh, T.
SourcesAngliae notitia, or The present state of England / By Edw. Chamberlayne, Doctor of Laws., 1702
Angliae notitia, or The present state of England / By Edw. Chamberlayne, L.L.D. and continued by his son, John Chamberlayne, Esq., fellow of the Royal Society, 1704
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