@prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix skos: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix gn: . @prefix ct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix edm: . ct:activityNote "bookseller"@en; ct:locationOfActivity [ ct:hasPlace ; ct:hasAddress "Near the Ladies steps"; ct:hasAssociatedDates "1641-"], [ ct:hasAssociatedDates "1649-"; ct:hasPlace ; ct:hasAddress "at the Plain Stones over against the Stone Shop at the Signe of the Great Book"], [ ct:hasAssociatedDates "1649-"; ct:hasPlace ; ct:hasAddress "at the Sign of the Bible"]; ct:datesOfActivity "1641-1649"@en; skos:note "Burgess 30 July 1634; John Frank wright souertie. A Confession of Faith and Catechism were printed with the imprint Amsterdam Luice Elzever for Andro Wilson, 1649, though this may be a mystification as the book may have been printed by Lithgow. He died in 1654, will registered 29 December 1654, his wife, Elizabeth Mortimur, and children, Elizabeth, Jeane, and Issoble surviving him. Inventory “Bann.Misc.ii,277”. Jane daughter of the deceased Andrew Wilson stationer buried in Greyfriars Churchyard 29 March 1659. Apprentices: Alexander Sword 20 February 1639; Alexander Falconer 29 March 1643, Burgess 13 May 1668; John Fyfe 13 January 1647; James Anderson 5 June 1650, Burgess 16 August 1665."@en; rdf:type ct:ImprintName; ct:imprintName "Wilson, Andro"; ct:endingDateOfActivity "1649"^^xsd:gYear; ct:startingDateOfActivity "1641"^^xsd:gYear.