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thesaurus/cni00059133 Watt, J[ames] & P[hilip]

Watt, J[ames] & P[hilip]

Record IDcni00059133
Ultima modifica2014-03-14

Nota generale

Philip Watt 30 Bernard Street “Edin Dir” 1837. James Watt “late stationer” 23 Kirkgate “Edin Dir” 1827. James Watt was the son of David Watt, miller in Stockbridge, apprenticed to Alexander Smiton bookbinder for 6 years 11 May 1797. Burgess as apprentice to Alexander Smiton bookbinder 11 May 1797; Guild Brother 9 October 1821.. Apprentice: Hugh Watt 18 March 1839.

Maggiori informazioni

date di attività1822-1837
and newspaper agents (1828 - 1829)
and musicsellers (1830 - 1831)
Risorsa on linehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàLeith
Leith; Waterloo Buildings 30 Bernard Street (1822 - 1824)
Leith; 30 Bernard Street (1825 - 1827)
Leith; *30 Bernard Street (1828 - 1829)
Leith; *30 Bernard Street (1830 - 1831)

Accessi collegati

Vedi anchePhilip Watt (1832 - 1837)
*30 Bernard Street, **Leith


IntestazioneWatt, J[ames] & P[hilip]
Usata in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index

Fonti esterne

Trovato inEdinPren. — EdinBurg. — Edin Dir. — Pigot 1820; 1825; 1837

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