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thesaurus/cni00058162 Sinclair, John, bookseller, Dumfries

Sinclair, John, bookseller, Dumfries

Record IDcni00058162
Ultima modifica2014-03-14

Nota generale

A number of song-books were printed by Cuthbert McLachlan for John Sinclair about 1812. 'Good very; Considered Good by O&B great Jew' [Fonti esterne: Oliver and Boyd Travellers Logbook NLS Acc.5000/78]

Maggiori informazioni

date di attività1812-1837
and agent for the London papers (1837)
Risorsa on linehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàDumfries; High Street (1812)
Dumfries; 132 High-street (1820 - 1825)
Dumfries; 22 High Street (1837)


IntestazioneSinclair, John, bookseller, Dumfries
Usata in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index

Fonti esterne

Trovato inChapbook Printers. — Pigot 1820; 1825; 1837. — Bell

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