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thesaurus/cni00058076 Shearer, John, bookbinder, Stirling

Shearer, John, bookbinder, Stirling

Identifiant de la noticecni00058076
Dernière modification2014-03-14

Note générale

Apprenticed to Charles Randall. When Mrs Randall gave up business in 1820, John Shearer bought the plates of “The History of Stirling” and published a third edition in 1825, and a further "third edition" in 1836, which he further reprinted without changing the date.

Plus d'information

Dates d'activité1820-1869
bookseller (1820)
agent for the County Fire Office (1852)
Ressource en lignehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Lieu d'activité

Lieu d'activitéStirling; Bakers-wynd, second shop above Bank Street (1820)
Stirling; 42 King Street (1820)
Stirling; King Street (1837)
Stirling; 2 King Street (1852)

Entrées associées

Voir aussiJohn Shearer and Robert Stewart Shearer (1855)
*2 King Street, **Stirling
Robert Stewart Shearer & Son, Stirling (1869)


RubriqueShearer, John, bookbinder, Stirling
utilisé dans: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index


Trouvé dansPigot 1820; 1825; 1837. — Slater 1852. — “Local Notes and Queries reprinted from The Stirling Observer”. Stirling, 1886. — Harvey

Carte (activité)

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