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thesaurus/cni00057852 Rutherford, John

Rutherford, John

Identifiant de la noticecni00057852
Dernière modification2014-03-14

Note générale

John Rutherford, eldest son of Archibald Rutherford died December 1855, age 46, and is buried in Kelso Abbey. He published a numbered series of religious tracts, each of which went through a number of large editions 1840-42.

Plus d'information

Dates d'activité1820-1852
Activitébookseller and circulating library
Ressource en lignehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Lieu d'activité

Lieu d'activitéKelso
Kelso; Market Place (1837 - 1842)

Entrées associées

Voir aussiArchibald Rutherford (1820)
Bridge Street, **Kelso
John and James H. Rutherford, booksellers, printers and publishers (1852)
*Market Place, **Kelso


RubriqueRutherford, John
utilisé dans: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index
VarianteRUTHERFURD, John
John Rutherford (1825)
*Bridge Street, **Kelso


Trouvé dansPigot 1820; 1825; 1837. — Slater 1852

Carte (activité)

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