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thesaurus/cni00057464 Randie, David

Randie, David

Record IDcni00057464
Voor het laatst bewerkt2014-03-14

Algemene noot

"There is to be exposed by way of auction at Whitekirk in East Lothian, a parcel of very good books... Catalogues thereof may be seen in the hands of David Randie merchant in Haddingtoun..." “Scots Courant” 12 August 1713. Ruddiman's manuscripts (National Library of Scotland MS 762) list debts owed to Ruddiman. Daughter Isobel married Robert Muirhead, merchant in Hamilton 10 September 1730. A debt for books supplied to Randie in September 1731 was unpaid in October 1739 when Randie is described as "now Mert in Haddington". He sold copies of William Halyburton's “Love to our country” in 1746 when his address is again given as Haddington.

Meer informatie

Jaren van werkzaamheid1713-1746
Online bronhttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Plaats van werkzaamheid

Plaats van werkzaamheidEdinburgh
Haddington (1713)
Edinburgh (1728)
[Place uncertain]; North side of the Cross (1729)
Edinburgh (1730 - 1736)
Haddington (1739 - 1746)


KopjeRandie, David
gebruikt in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index
NaamsvariantRANDY, David


Gevonden inNLS Impr Ind. — EdinMarr. — Bushnell. — Carnie & Doig I & II


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