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thesaurus/cni00057428 Rae, Robert

Rae, Robert

Record IDcni00057428
Ultima modifica2014-03-14

Nota generale

Eldest son of Peter Rae, Minister of Kirkbride and Agnes Corsane. He was born 20 May 1698. Printed on a press in the house of his father 1711-14. In July 1713 his father was attacked for having a printing-office in the manse. By 1715 the press had been transferred to Dumfries. In 1721 he published a newspaper, “The Drumfries Mercury”, of which No 18 May 1 to 8 1721 survives. By 2 February 1719, he had acquired the estate of Meikleknox from his mother's relations and assumed his mother's name, being Robert Corson of Meikleknox. To obtain the estates of his mother he married Agnes M'Gowan the daughter of the other claimant. He died 17 February 1759.

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date di attività1711-1721
Risorsa on linehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàKirkbride
Kirkbride; (Cellae S. Brigidae) (1711 - 1714)
Dumfries; in the Kirkgate and shop on the East side of the Street a little below the Fish Cross (1715 - 1721)
[Place uncertain]; At the sign of the Hand and Bible (same address) (1721)


IntestazioneRae, Robert
Usata in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index

Fonti esterne

Trovato inNLS Impr Ind. — Stewart, William. The Rae Press at Kirkbride and Dumfries. “Papers of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society” vi pp.107-115. Edinburgh, 1906. — G. W. Shirley Mr Peter Rae, V. D. M. printer . “Records of the Glasgow Bibliographical Society” i pp.216-35. Glasgow, 1914. G. W. Shirley: Dumfries printers in the eighteenth century. “Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History & Antiquarian Society Transactions” 3rd s. viii, 129-186 (1934).

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