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thesaurus/cni00053937 Gallately, John

Gallately, John

Identifiant de la noticecni00053937
Dernière modification2014-03-14

Note générale

Son of James Gellatly and Agnes Leighton, christened in Forfar 20 October 1802. John Gellatly died in Edinburgh 26 April 1859. The firm was continued under the same name by Robert Whyte. Engraved views for Robert Chambers “Pictures of Stirling” 1830 and “Menzies vignette views of Edinburgh”. [no date]

Plus d'information

Dates d'activité1827-1871
Activitéengraver, lithographic and copperplate printer
engraver (1827)
Ressource en lignehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Lieu d'activité

Lieu d'activitéEdinburgh
Edinburgh; 186 Rose Street (1827)
Edinburgh; 8 West Register Street (1828 - 1829)
Edinburgh; 10 West Register Street (1830 - 1836)
Edinburgh; 44 West Register Street (1837 - 1842)
Edinburgh; 1 George Street (1843 - 1845)
Edinburgh; 26 George Street (1846 - 1860)

Entrées associées

Voir aussiGellatly & White (1861 - 1871)
*26 George Street, **Edinburgh


RubriqueGallately, John
utilisé dans: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index
VarianteGELLETELY, John


Trouvé dansEdin Dir. — Pigot 1837. — Schenck. — Dickson, David.' Deceased friends. “A hasty man”.' “Book of the Old Edinburgh Club”, xxii, 246 (1923). — Johnst3

Carte (activité)

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