Fifeshire Journal Press
Datensatz IDcni00053671
Letzte Änderung2014-03-14
Murray was the first editor and printer of “The Fifehire Journal”, a tory rejoinder the whig “Fife Herald”. He was an Edinburgh journalist who had worked on “The Edinburgh Correspondent”, and “The Edinburgh Courant” before taking on “The Journal”. In January 1836, the paper was acquired by Cupar writer, William Pagan, and James Moore Graham, a medical practitioner, and the paper was moved to Cupar. The man who moved the press was the paper's printer John Jeffers Wilson. He soon left the paper because he 'Found too many masters there'. In addition to the owners he had to deal with the publishers, the Cupar booksellers Gardner and Anderson. Wilson was followed by David Abercromby November 1836-May 1837; and then by James Tod who held the post of printer from May 1837-November 1849. In March 1851, William Pagan and James Moore Graham sold their interest in “The Journal” to David Page.
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Aktivitätnewspaper office
Cupar in Fife
[Place uncertain]; Cameron's Building in Straiton's Close (1839)
[Place uncertain]; 17 Bonnygate (1849)
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Siehe auchJohn Jeffers Wilson, printer (1836)
Cameron's Buildings, Straiton's Close, Cupar in Fife
AnsetzungsformFifeshire Journal Press
verwendet in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index
Variante NamensformAlexander Murray Fifeshire Journal Office, Kirkcaldy (1833 - 1836)
Nachgewiesen inCampbell Journal. — Schenck