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thesaurus/cni00053293 Drummond, Peter

Drummond, Peter

Datensatz IDcni00053293
Letzte Änderung2014-03-14


'The dissemination of chapbook literature was taken up in 1848 by Peter Drummond, a Stirling seedsman (1799-1877). Grieved by what he regarded as Sabbath desecration in the custom of Stirling people visiting Cambuskenneth Abbey on the Lord's day, he wrote a leaflet. An edition of ten thousand copies of the tract, entitled 'The Sabbath' was exhausted within a month, and so ready and spontaneous was the welcome to this and later publications that Mr Drummond was persuaded to devote all his energies to the publication of pamphlets. From this humble beginning has grown the Stirling Tract Enterprise. the great bulk of his publications issued from the Stirling Observer Press.'

Weiterführende Informationen

Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)



Beziehungen zu anderen Entitäten

Siehe auchStirling Tract Enterprise (1848 - 1980)


AnsetzungsformDrummond, Peter
verwendet in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index


Nachgewiesen in“The Stirling Observer press: ninety years' progress 1836-1926”. Stirling, 1926. M. J. Cormack. “The Stirling Tract Enterprise and the Drummonds”. (Stirling Bibliographical Society Occasional Publication 3). Stirling, 1984. — Chapbook Printers

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