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thesaurus/cni00052941 Crerar, James, bookseller and printer, Kirkcaldy

Crerar, James, bookseller and printer, Kirkcaldy

Record IDcni00052941
Ultima modifica2014-03-14

Nota generale

James Crerar was the son of John Crerar distiller in Perth. He probably settled in Kirkcaldy after hismarriage, at Edinburgh, to Janet Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, manufacturer in Dysart. He is described as a bookseller in the records of the births of his children, Euphemia 18 October 1798, John 2 March 1799 and Ann 26 October 1805. He is known to have printed two religious works.

Maggiori informazioni

date di attività1795-1805
Attivitàbookseller and printer
Risorsa on linehttp://www.nls.uk/
Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàKirkcaldy (1795 - 1805)


IntestazioneCrerar, James, bookseller and printer, Kirkcaldy
Usata in: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index

Fonti esterne

Trovato inCampbell Kirkcaldy

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