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thesaurus/cni00044671 Vignon, Eustache

Vignon, Eustache

Record IDcni00044671
Biographical Data1530 - 1588
Last Edit2014-09-24

More Information

Further Biographical Data1530-1588
ActivityDrukarz i wydawca; działał w Genewie w latach 1567-1588. Oficynę odziedziczył po teściu Jeanie Crespin w 1572; używał też nazwy: "Officina Crispiniana". Po śmierci Vignona drukarnię do 1606 prowadzili spadkobiercy.

Related Entries

See alsoVignon, Eustache
parallel personal name record
Ouignōn, E.
Vignon, Eustace.
Vignon, Eustachius.
Vignon, Eustath.
Vignon, Eustathius.
Vignon, Eustache
Personal name record
Officina Crispiniana


HeadingVignon, Eustache
used in: NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Variant NameOfficina Crispiniana
Ouignōn, E
Vignon, Eustace
Vignon, Eustachius
Vignon, Eustath
Vignon, Eustathius


Found inKp. Novae novi orbis historiae, id est, Rerum ab Hispanis in India occidentali hactenus gestarum et acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres / Vrbani Calvetonis opera industriaque ex italicis Hieronymi Benzonis Mediolanensis [...] commentariis descripti. - [Genevae], 1578 (Druk). — Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries / compiled by H. M. Adams [et al.]. - Cambridge, 1967 (Vignon, Eustathius). — Drukkers online. — GBV online. — COPAC online. — Kp. Ethices Christianæ Libri Tres [...] / Lamberto Danaeo Avthore [...]. - Genevæ, 1588 (Druk). — Ta sōzomena Tōn palaiotatōn Poiītōn Geōrgika, Boukolika, kai Gnōmika = Vetustissimorum Authorum Georgica, Bucolica, & Gnomica poemata quæ supersunt [...]. - [Genewa], 1584 (Druk). — RIECH online. — BNF-NA. — CERL online. — Assertio Vera De Trinitate [...] / Stephano Szegedino authore. - Genevae, 1573 (Druk). — Kp. L'Estat De La Religion Et Repvbliqve Dv Pevple Iudaique, Depuis le retour de l'exil de Babylone iusques au dernier saccagement de Ierusalem / Par Pavl Eber [...]. - [Genève], 1581 (Druk)

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