CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00044663 Kempen, Gottfried ¬von¬

Kempen, Gottfried ¬von¬

Record IDcni00044663
Dati biografici1500 - 1598
Ultima modifica2014-09-24

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici15..-1598?
Niemiecki drukarz działający w Kolonii (ok. 1576-1598).

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheKempen, Gottfried ¬von¬
parallel personal name record
Godefridus Kempensis
Gottfried von Kempen
Kempen, Godtfridt ¬von¬
Kempen, Godtfriedt ¬von¬
Kempensis, Godefridus.
Kempensis, Godofridus.
Von Kempen, Gottfried.
Kempen, Gottfried von
Personal name record


IntestazioneKempen, Gottfried ¬von¬
Usata in: NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
VarianteGodefridus Kempensis
Gottfried von Kempen
Kempen, Godtfridt ¬von¬
Kempen, Godtfriedt ¬von¬
Kempensis, Godefridus
Kempensis, Godofridus
Von Kempen, Gottfried

Fonti esterne

Trovato inBenzing (Drucker), szp. 246. — CERL online. — http://drukkers.library.uu.nl/. — Thomae Stapletoni [...] promptvarivm catholicum [...]. - Coloniae Agrippinae, 1594

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