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thesaurus/cni00044629 Le Preux, Jean

Le Preux, Jean

Record IDcni00044629
Biographical Data1532 - 1609
Last Edit2014-09-24

More Information

Further Biographical Data1532-1609
Drukarz i nakładca; w Paryżu (1561-1563), w Genewie (1563-1571, 1585-1609), w Lozannie (1571-1579), w Morges (1579-1585); Współpracował z Jeanem Petitem.

Related Entries

See alsoLe Preux, Jean
parallel personal name record
Le Preux, Io.
Le Preux, Joannes.
LePreux, Johannes.
Preux, Io. ¬le¬
Preux, Ioannes ¬le¬
Probus, Ioannes.
Le Preux, Jean
Personal name record
Ioannes Le Preux & Ioannes Parvus
Jean Le Preu & Jean Petit


HeadingLe Preux, Jean
used in: NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Variant NameIoannes Le Preux & Ioannes Parvus
Jean Le Preu & Jean Petit
Le Preux, Io
Le Preux, Joannes
LePreux, Johannes
Preux, Io. ¬le¬
Preux, Ioannes ¬le¬
Probus, Ioannes


Found inKp. Institutio christianae religionis / Joanne Calvino authore [...]. - [Genève], 1607 (Druk). — CERL Thesaurus online. — Répertoire d'imprimeurs/ libraires (vers 1500 - vers 1810). / Jean-Dominique Mellot. - [Paris], 2004. — Kp. Commentarii In Epistolam D. Pavli Ad Ephesios [...] / A D. Benedicto Aretio [...]. - Morgiis, 1583 (Druk). — Commentarii In Epistolas D. Pavli Ad Timoth., ad Titum, & ad Philemonem [...] / A D. Benedicto Aretio [...]. - Morgiis, 1580 (Druk). — Dictionarium Historicum Ac poeticum: omnia gentium, hominum, lcoorum, fluminum, ac montium antiqua recentioraq[ue] ad sacras ac prophanas historias, poetarumque fabulas intelligendas necessaria vocabula, bono ordine complectens / A Carolo Stephano, illius auctore, postremo hoc labore multum adauctum. - [Paryż], 1567 (Druk)

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